


  Bachelor of Engineering (Computer and Network Engineering)

  工程硕士 (电脑和网络工程)

  Computer system engineers design and apply computer systems to provide efficient engineering solutions in almost every sectors of our society. Their work includes designing new products and systems, improving the operation of existing systems, integrating various sub systems and providing updated technical support.

  Network engineers design, implement and maintain digital communication networks and computer networks, which are heavily used in our daily life.

  Computer engineering in this program focuses on embedded systems design, computational intelligence, industrial information processing, intelligent robotics and multimedia systems which includes speech, image and video signal processing. These fields are driving rapid changes in industry and society, creating new opportunities for technology evolution and leading to the creation of new businesses with both industrial and domestic applications. Network Engineering in this program focuses on the advanced aspects of network design, optimisation, maintenance and protection. The program offers both fundamental knowledge and in-depth technology in network engineering. Internet telephony (i.e. Voice over IP), network performance and network security are some of the specialised areas in the program. Studying in this program also equips students with suitable knowledge for external examinations such as the CISCO CCNA and Microsoft MCSE.

  Computer and network engineers play important roles in our society. They can contribute to the design and operation of international telecommunication networks and even space exploration. Their works directly or indirectly improve the quality of life, health and well being of individuals and communities, the productivity of industry, the competitiveness of all kinds of business and the effectiveness of government services.

  In years one and two, you will learn the fundamental principles and practices in computer and network engineering, and the mathematics and physics that make up the essential engineering tools. You will also develop essential professional skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.

  In years three and four, the focus is on making you industry ready. You will deepen the technical knowledge and skills in your chosen specialisation, and exercise your design, teamwork, leadership, management and communication skills through individual and team-based projects that closely resemble the work of practising engineers.

  Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)

  工程硕士 (电气工程)

  Capacity to imagine and a desire to find creative solutions to problems are key to a career in engineering.

  Electrical engineers devise engineering solutions for society. Engineers work with professionals in manufacturing, automation, agriculture, transport, resources and energy management, education, environmental monitoring, renewable energy, power generation and distribution, retail and industrial automation, and transportation.

  You will learn through a wide variety of modes including lectures, tutorials, and especially laboratories. You will also need to spend a significant amount of your own time on self-directed learning.

  In years one and two, you will learn the fundamental principles and practices in electrical engineering, and the mathematics and physics that make up the essential engineering tools. You will also develop essential professional skills including communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.

  In years three and four, the focus is on making you industry ready. You will deepen the technical knowledge and skills in your chosen specialisation, and exercise your design, teamwork, leadership, management and communication skills through individual and team-based projects that closely resemble the work of practising engineers.

  Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic and Communication Engineering)

  工程硕士 (电气与交流工程)

  入学要求: 雅思6.5, 单科不低于6.0;  foundation 课程毕业

  Electronic engineers design and apply electronic devices and systems to produce a wide range of goods and services for multiple users including from individuals and households to big industries, businesses and organisations.

  Communication engineers design and apply electronic, optical and electromagnetic devices and systems to collect, distribute or exchange information between people or machines, over distances up to many thousands of kilometres across the world or in space. The information may take various forms such as voice, data, picture, audio, video or a combination thereof.

  Electronic and communication products and services are a large part of modern living, from mobile phones and computers for individuals, broadband services and high definition TV for households and businesses, satellite navigation and sophisticated safety and control systems for cars, ships and planes, high resolution body scanners for hospitals, greener and cleaner technologies for energy production, satellite phones for remote communities and emergency services, right up to the tracking, telemetry and command (TT&C) and communication systems in satellites and space exploration capsules.

  Electronic and communication engineers are the people who design, produce and maintain devices, systems and services that improve the quality of life, health and well being of individuals and communities, the productivity of industry (e.g. agriculture, resources, energy, manufacturing), the competitiveness of all kinds of business, and the effectiveness of government services (e.g. health, education, transport, defence and emergency services).

  You will learn through a wide variety of modes including lectures, tutorials, and laboratories. You will also need to spend a significant amount of your own time on self-directed learning.

  In years one and two, you will learn the fundamental principles and practices in electronic and communication engineering, and the mathematics and physics that make up the essential engineering tools. You will also develop essential professional skills in communication, teamwork, and leadership.

  In years three and four, the focus will be on making you industry ready. You will deepen your technical knowledge and skills in your chosen specialisation, and exercise your design, teamwork, leadership, management and communication skills through individual and team-based projects that closely resemble the work of practising engineers.

  Master of Engineering (International Automotive Engineering)

  工程硕士 (国际汽车制造工程)

  入学要求: 雅思6.5, 单科不低于6.0;

  Automotive engineering is the application of principles drawn from the sciences in order to develop economical and sustainable automotive designs or to solve automotive problems. Encompassing complete car design, automotive engineering is global in scope and increasingly environmental in outlook. The industry generates and applies new technologies (e.g. hybrid power trains and fuel cells) for the betterment of society.

  The degree has resulted from demands from the industry and students. It builds on a core program of mechanical engineering and offers specialist courses that enable a graduate to be immediately industry ready. Reflecting the increasing interaction between industry and higher education, you may also have the opportunity to take a one-year paid industrial placement with associated academic credit.

  Automotive engineering courses include:

  Vehicle power systems

  An introduction to the development, design, specification, and operation of internal combustion engines for mobile applications with a focus on traditional spark-ignited and diesel engines. It also covers alternative power plants and fuels.

  Motor vehicle design and vehicle manufacturing systems

  Tackle and solve advanced engineering problems, particularly in the structural design and manufacturing of vehicles and automotive components. The course represents the basis for the analysis and solution of problems related to modern automotive design and manufacturing and advanced computer modelling techniques of real engineering problems

  Vehicle handling and control

  Covers performance prediction relatively early in the design process and identifies the conflicts in designing for optimal performance in different modes.

  Vehicle aerodynamics

  Emphasis is placed on solving aerodynamic problems using a balance of computation and experimental techniques. The growing influence of styling on body shape is approached from both an artistic and a scientific viewpoint.

  Vehicle noise and vibration

  Understand the nature of sound, effectively document human non-linear response to sound, understand the relationship between noise and vibration, and appreciate the difference between structure-borne and air-borne sources.


  商科 Business (物流) 

  Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) 商务本科

  入学要求: 雅思6.5, 单科不低于6.0;  foundation 课程毕业

  The Bachelor of Business (Professional Accountancy) is suited to students who wish to study full-time. The degree consists of 24 taught courses (each of 12 credit points) and two semesters (96 credit points) of work-integrated learning (learning by doing).

  The first and second years are the same for both degrees. You will undertake eight core business studies (common core) plus eight specialised accounting and law courses.

  The third year for professional accountancy students involves a compulsory work-integrated learning component in the form of a cooperative education placement or professional skills program project.

  In the final year of both degrees, you will study three specialised accounting courses and five electives, of which at least one must be an accounting elective.

  To ensure that all business programs incorporate an element of practical relevance, some specialist accounting courses in the accountancy degree will allow you to be involved in activities that develop your work-ready capabilities.

  Bachelor of Business (Logistics and supply chain Management)

  商务本科 (物流,产业链管理)

  Cricos Code: 063202B  program Code:BP255

  入学要求: 雅思6.5, 单科不低于6.0;  foundation 课程毕业

  The Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) degrees consist of a major stream and an elective stream selected from accounting, marketing, business management, and business information systems or operations management.

  The provision of the elective stream enables you to study a second business area in depth and to develop skills, overall marketability and allow greater flexibility to choose alternative career paths as needs and opportunities change.

  First year

  The first year is common to all elective streams and provides an introduction to the basic knowledge and skills required. Business studies including economics, accounting, quantitative methods, law, administration, information and communication technology are covered.

  Second year

  In the second year more emphasis is placed on logistics and supply chain management courses while further studies in general business courses are completed.

  Final year

  The final year builds on major and elective stream studies at a more advanced level.

  Global advantage

  You can gain credit towards your studies by doing a two-week study tour, a semester- or year-long exchange, or an international work placement.

  Study tours depart during the Australian summer or winter vacations and can be credited towards your degree. Destinations include Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Thailand, USA and Vietnam.


  设计 Design 

  Bachelor of Design 设计本科

  入学要求: 雅思6.5, 单科不低于6.0;  foundation 课程毕业

  RMIT’s landscape architecture degree, Bachelor of Design, operates in an environment in which the world is its design laboratory.

  The studio-based degree offers theoretical and practical streams in landscape architecture. Design projects undertaken sit at a contemporary, international level.

  Landscape exists at every scale, from micro to macro, from garden to city, from political to infrastructural.

  Landscape is specific to site, time and process and appears, reacts and merges with a multitude of forces, both visible and invisible, in the environment. Landscape architecture at RMIT invests in the importance of design as a means of responding, observing and reviewing the status of contemporary urban society and how it manifests itself as a physical event. Landscape architecture at RMIT equips individuals with tools to provoke, question and act.

  Landscape architecture is concerned with the design of urban and natural environments. This multifaceted discipline blends art, science, nature and culture with practical knowledge and attracts sensitive and tenacious people who care about the environment.

  In recent years there has been a global shift in the delivery of landscape architecture education within universities. This change has been reflected in a national move for landscape architecture degrees within Australia to shift to a five-year study program. RMIT’s landscape architecture degree consists of a three-year Bachelor of Design plus two-year Master of Landscape Architecture (by coursework). Professional accreditation as a landscape architect requires completion of the Master of Landscape Architecture (by coursework). The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) is the profession’s accrediting body. The RMIT model distinguishes itself nationally as a five-year specialist degree.

  The first three years of the degree are designed to provide a range of opportunities for you to experience and undertake the process of design research. You will develop strong foundation knowledge and abilities in the field of landscape architecture.

  The first three years of the degree aim to:

  Lay the foundations for graduate specialisation in landscape architecture.

  Provide you with the practical and intellectual skills necessary for work in landscape design, or design more generally, in roles that do not require professional registration.

  In the final two years of the degree you will learn the practical and intellectual skills needed to lead and innovate landscape architecture design practice. You will also be provided with opportunities to demonstrate your commitment to learning, research and the profession through the study and experience of design research.


  教育 Education 

  Bachelor of Education 教育本科

  入学要求: 雅思6.5, 单科不低于6.0;相当于澳洲12年级毕业或者foundation毕业。

  The Bachelor of Education prepares primary teachers for the twenty-first century. There is a growing demand for highly-trained and skilled educators whose qualifications are globally transferable. The Bachelor of Education offers opportunities to gain expertise in areas such as early childhood, the arts, middle years and physical education. The early childhood pathway leads to registration as a four-year trained early childhood and primary school teacher.

  The degree consists of five components:

  Professional studies provide you with knowledge and an understanding of professional responsibilities and standards in the work of educators.

  Educational studies provide you with knowledge and an understanding of historical, theoretical and philosophical debates that underpin decision making and inform educational change.

  Essential learnings provide you with essential pedagogy and content knowledge for literacy, numeracy, science and technology, health and physical education, the arts, and humanities.

  Professional practice offers experience in the field in a variety of settings, with the focus being to link theory with practical areas of the profession.

  Electives for expertise may include early childhood education, arts, middle years, and physical education, or areas of interest.

  Master of Education 教育硕士

  入学要求: 雅思7.0, 单科不低于6.5; 本科毕业

  Be a leader in education. The Master of Education program provides you with an opportunity to develop and extend your professional knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in a variety of educational, training and community contexts and within a flexible framework. You can further develop your knowledge and understanding of learning and teaching and apply this through a range of educational and workplace settings using coursework and research methodologies.

  The program allows you to engage in local and global issues and to work across sectors in education, government, business and the community. You can strengthen your skills in areas of research, learning and development, careers, leadership and management.

  There are two options in the Master of Education:

  Option 1: Coursework

  Option 2: Minor thesis

  Graduates are able to draw upon their qualification to enhance their careers within a broad range of organisations in early childhood, primary, secondary, vocational, workplace and tertiary teaching.

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[澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学优势专业中英文介绍] 文章生成时间为:2011-03-04 23:09:39
皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT University)
  • 院校名称:皇家墨尔本理工大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1887年
  • 世界排名:238 世界排名:15
  • 学生人数:36130人
  • 院校地址:124 La Trobe Street,Melbourne VIC 3000,Australia
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/au/rmit/
  • 皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT University)是澳大利亚历史最悠久的领军高等教育学府之一,并因其毕业生就业率位居全澳榜首而闻名遐迩。…[详细介绍]

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