商科 Business
Bachelor of Business 商务本科
入学要求: 雅思6.5 写作分不低于6.0;相当于12年级毕业
Course structure
Students must complete 144 credit points, comprising eight foundation core subjects (48 credit points), and a standard stream (96 credit points) or an extended major stream (96 credit points). The standard stream comprises a major (48 credit points), and either a second major (48 credit points), or two sub-majors (24 credit points each), or a single sub-major (24 credit points) in conjunction with elective subjects (24 credit points). The extended major stream comprises an extended major (72 credit points), and a sub-major (24 credit points) or elective subjects (24 credit points).
Electives or structured elective sequences (totalling 24 credit points) can be taken from any faculty in the University, or from another university or its equivalent, with UTS: Business approval.
Master of Business Administration. 商务本科硕士
入学要求: 雅思6.5 写作分不低于6.0;本科毕业, GPA 2.75 (4.0); 不及格的科目不能超过10%, 至少4年的相关工作经验
Master of Business in Management.
入学要求: 雅思6.5 写作分不低于6.0;本科毕业, 相关专业, 如果之前不是相关专业学历, 则至少要2年相关工作经验
Course structure
The Master of Business in Management totals 72 credit points and consists of a combination of core and elective subjects.
[$pagetag]建筑 Architecture
Bachelor of Design in Architecture 建筑设计本科
入学要求: 雅思6.5 写作分不低于6.0; 需要专业背景, 12年级相当年级
Course structure
The course comprises a total of 144 credit points. The normal full-time load is four 6-credit-point subjects a semester, totalling 48 credit points a year for three years.
Year 1 comprises four compulsory 6-credit-point subjects a semester. Years 2 and 3 comprise one 6-credit-point elective and three compulsory subjects a semester.
Industrial training/professional practice
This course gives students the option of practice-based learning subjects that allows them to gain experience in the industry.
Course program
The subjects listed below represent the standard full-time course. Under certain circumstances, students may apply for exemptions from some subjects. The example program below is for a student commencing in Autumn semester and undertaking the course full time.
Professional recognition
The Master of Architecture is a qualification accepted for candidates seeking to take the professional examination of the NSW Architects Registration Board and Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) as a prerequisite for registration under the provision of the Architects Act administered by the NSW Architects Registration Board and to professional membership of the institute.
[$pagetag]工程 Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering 工程本科
入学要求: 雅思6.0 写作分不低于6.0; 4年
Course structure
A total of 192 credit points is required for graduation, distributed in the following way:
core program: 48 credit points
choice of major: 120 credit points
electives: 24 credit points.
Industrial training/professional practice
Students graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering without the Diploma in Engineering Practice are required to obtain the equivalent of at least 12 weeks exposure to professional engineering practice, preferably outside the university environment. For further details, refer to 48100 Professional Practice.
Course program
Most of the subjects are offered in both Autumn and Spring semesters, sometimes as day classes and sometimes as evening classes. The programs provided below for each major show the recommended sequence for students commencing in Autumn semester undertaking the course full time. The program for students undertaking the Civil Engineering major beyond Year 1 depends on which specialisation is chosen.
Master of Engineering 工程硕士
入学要求: 雅思6.5 写作分不低于6.0; 1.5年, 本科工程学背景
Course structure
Candidates complete coursework subjects and a major individual project, totalling 60 credit points of study. The project component is typically undertaken following completion of the coursework.
Some postgraduate program majors may require students to complete a number of prescribed subjects with or without opportunity for electives. Subjects are selected from those offered by UTS: Engineering, other UTS faculties, other faculties of engineering (including the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales and the University of Western Sydney), and other institutions approved by Academic Board. Not less than 60 per cent of total credit points must be completed through subjects offered, and/or a graduate project supervised, by UTS: Engineering.
The graduate project must be supervised by a principal supervisor who is a member or adjunct member of academic staff of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.
A major is granted if four subjects (24 credit points) are completed within a particular postgraduate program major, together with an approved graduate project (18–30 credit points) in the major.
Course program
The tables below give details of each major: for each major there are three tables. The first lists the compulsory subjects and allowable option choices for the major. The next two tables show the subjects typically offered in Autumn and Spring semesters. Where an elective is specified, any subject in the range 49000 to 49999 is acceptable except for 49277, 49278, 49279, 49454, 49458, 49459, 49460, 49461, 49462, 49463, 49464 and 49465. Some subjects are offered in weekly mode, others in block mode and others in distance mode or a combination of modes.
[$pagetag]教育 Education
Bachelor of arts in Educational Studies. 教育学习本科
入学要求: 雅思6.5, 写作不低于6.0; 相当于澳洲12年级毕业学历。
International students
Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.
Course duration and attendance
The course is three years, full time.
Course structure
Students complete 144 credit points of study.
Exit award
This exit-only course enables students originally enrolled in the Bachelor of Education in Primary Education (C10206), Bachelor of Education in Special Education (C10207), Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (C10208) or the Bachelor of Teaching in Secondary Education (C08002) to transfer to this course and complete with a three-year, non-teaching qualification.
Master of Education. 教育硕士
入学要求: 雅思6.5, 写作不低于6.0; 本科毕业。
Course structure
Students must complete a total of 48 credit points.
Students completing the Adult Education, Indigenous Studies, Organisational and Workplace Learning or Popular Education and Social Change major are required to complete six core subjects and two electives.
Students completing the course without a specified major are required to complete two core subjects and six electives.
Course program
Course programs are given below for each major for both full-time and part-time students, for both Autumn and Spring commencement. Not all electives run every year.