[Urgent Notice]
警告信内容如下: BREACH OF YOUR STUDENT VISA CONDITIONS I am writing to you to advise of your non-compliance with the conditions imposed on your Higher Education Sector (subclass 573) student visa. Student visa applicants with a Confirmation of Enrolment from a participating education provider at bachelor, masters or doctoral degree level are assessed under a streamlined visa processing arrangements. As a beneficiary of this arrangement, your visa was granted based on you having to meet a lower threshold of proof of your education history, English language ability, and financial capacity. It has come to the attention of the department that you ceased enrolment at Macquarie University (Macquarie) and have since commenced studies in a non-streamlined course at Top Education Group Pty Ltd. You are subject to visa condition 8516, which states: Condition 8516 The holder must continue to be a person who would satisfy the primary or secondary criteria, as the case requires, for the grant of the visa. You are not enrolled in an eligible course with an eligible education provider as required under the terms for which your visa was granted, and you are now considered to be in breach of visa condition 8516.
Please provide information and any supporting documentation on the circumstances that led you to change courses. Please email this information to student.integrity.and.visa.cancellation.coordination@immi.gov.au If you provide an explanation, the department will make an assessment of the breach. If you do not provide an explanation within the next 14 days, the department will initiate cancellation of your visa. If your visa is cancelled you will become an unlawful non-citizen and liable to detention under Section 189 and removal under Section 198 of the Migration Act 1958. You will have limited options to apply for further visas in Australia and may be required to return to your country of origin.
移民局通知学生违反了Condition 8516, 并且提出收到警告邮件的14天内,必须提供合理的解释,否则学生签证将会被取消。
所谓SVP,即Streamlined Visa Process,针对2013年3月24后之后提交573/574签证进行简化处理的程序。广义上理解为:申请大部分大学的本科,研究生,博士无需“雅思”,无需“担保金”从而达到低风险等级评估的方式。SVP院校 – 即带有University字眼的高校.
① 确认自己在2013年3月24号之后提交过SVP 573签证/续签。
② 确认自己未曾提供过资金证明和英文程度证明。 若满足①② 则符合此类基本申请人 同时满足以下三项之一:
1. 持有SVP 573签证的同学,在未学满原本设定的本科/研究生,转学至非SVP院校继续学习。
2. 持有SVP 573签证,因为挂科,或者出勤率不够的问题,转学至Diploma/English,即从573转学到572/570 签证。
3. 2013年12月已经从SVP学校毕业,但是在12月之前已经取得非SVP院校的COE的学生签证持有者。(此类学生最多,举例如下)
Eg. MQ /USYD/UTS/UNSW 等SVP院校12月份毕业,但是11月份已经入学TOP/HOLMES补课的学生
以上这几类解决方式 – 必须马上重新申请新的学生签证 (提供资金担保及雅思)- 重新申请签证即意味着要支付相应的申请费,保险,体检。这又是移民局敛财的新举措。哎。。。
移民局建议违规的学生们 可以采用以下三步继续在澳的学习。
1. 离开澳洲
2. 申请取消原来的学生签证
3. 用Non-SVP的COE 境外重新申请新的学生签证
如果你在2014年1月28号前取得一所SVP院校的COE, 你将不会收到警告信。如果你在这个允许的时间范畴内采取相应措施,你将不再违反Visa Condition 8516,从而解决你的问题。
“If you obtain a new Coe to an eligible SVP university prior to 28 Jan 2014, you will not receive a Notice of Intention to Consider Cancellation (NOICC) of your student visa. If you take action within this time period, you will no longer be in breach of visa condition 8516, and you matter will be regarded as resolved.”
Dear, Thank you for your email. Thank you for contacting Student Integrity and Visa Cancellation Coordination. The information you require and your course of action is contained within the original email, we have now highlighted for your attention. You will see on the blog the following information for lodging a new student visa application from offshore if you do not intend to return to a streamline provider: Your visa was granted for your studies at MQ under streamline visa processing, this means you had reduced evidentiary requirements when yourvisa was assessed and granted. When you left MQ University your options were to enrol in another streamlined university to stay compliant on your streamline student visa. See link: List of Streamlined Universities. If you wish to continue your studies at the new non-streamlined education provider (Top Education Institute) you are required to obtain a non-streamlined student visa. You can do this by: 1.Depart Australia 2.Requesting Voluntary Cancellation of your student visa 3.Apply for a new student visa with a letter of offer or CoE from the new education education provider (in Top Education Institute). You will need to meet all criteria for the grant of a new visa. As you state that you are going offshore soon, you may wish to consider lodging a new student visa application from offshore with your CoE from Top Education Institute.
Kind Regards, Student Integrity and Visa Cancellation Unit 23 January 2014