· Bachelor of Dental Science (2257) will be replaced by Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours) (2367)
·Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Sciences (2314) will be replaced byBachelor of Exercise and Sports Sciences (Honours) (2371)
·Bachelor of Health, Sport and Physical Education (2313) will be replaced byBachelor of Health, Sport and Physical Education (Honours) (2372)
·Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (2022) will be replaced by Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) (2368)
·Bachelor of Pharmacy (2019) will be replaced by Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) (2373)
·Bachelor of Physiotherapy (2021) will be replaced by Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) (2369)
·Bachelor of Speech Pathology (2034) will be replaced by Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) (2370)
昆士兰大学是昆士兰州的第一所综合型大学,始建于1910年,是澳大利亚最大最有声望的大学之一,也是昆士兰洲成立最早的大学。昆大是澳大利亚的八大名校所组成的Group of Eight之成员之一,其科学研究的经费及学术水平在澳大利亚的大学之中始终位居前三名,在学博士生的人数最多。
昆士兰大学是Universitas 21(大学的国际性协会)的创建成员之一,它在教学和科研方面都享有国际声誉。昆士兰大学位于澳大利亚东部的海滨, 以拥有强大的教学和科研力量而受到国际的赞誉。它颁发的学历资格证书获得全世界的公认,社会对这所大学的毕业生具有极大的需求量。它培养了无数优秀人才,许多在商界、政界的领导人物都是出自于昆士兰大学。