The Department of Industry is preparing its advice to the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection on the composition of the 2015-16 Skilled Occupations List. The Skilled Occupation List identifies occupations where independent skilled migrants will assist in meeting the medium to long-term skill needs of the Australian economy. Independent migrants with skills in these occupations will assist in meeting skill needs that cannot be met through employer and state sponsored migration programs, or efforts aimed at training and employing Australians. The Department undertakes an annual consultation process where it gathers evidence and information provided in submissions by industry, employee representatives, trade and professional organisations. In order to provide transparency , the Department publishes all non-confidential submissions and data considered in the preparation of its advice to the Minister.
Why We Are Consulting
The Department analyses labour market, education and training, migration and general economic and demographic data along with stakeholder submissions in order to develop its advice to the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. Advice is provided to the Minister in mid-March each year for implementation on 1 July.
It should be noted that the SOL applies to independent skilled migration only. A separate list, namely the Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List (CSOL), applies to the Employer Nomination Scheme, State Sponsored Migration, Temporary Business Long Stay (457), and Occupational Trainee visa categories. The Department of Industry is not involved in the development of the CSOL.”
从2014年7月1日起,技术职业提名名单将增加厨师(ANZSCO 351311)、砖匠(ANZSCO 331111)、墙和地板瓦工(ANZSCO 333411)三大职业。
从2014年7月1日起,合并的提名职业名单将增加水文地质学家(ANZSCO 234413)和运动生理学家(ANZSCO 234915)两项职业。