霍姆斯格兰学院和堪培拉大学在早先确立了独家合作关系,坐落在霍姆斯格兰学院Chadstone校区的堪培拉大学分校区也因此而被称为堪培拉大学墨尔本校区(University of Canberra Melbourne/UCM)。墨尔本地区学生除了能够学到霍姆斯格兰学位课程之外,还将能够学到堪培拉大学的11门课程。这些课程涉及商务、贸易、法律、信息技术、运动管理和设计等专业。霍姆斯格兰的Chadstone校区、City校区、Moorabbin校区以及Waverley校区都将提供以上堪培拉大学课程。
Bachelor of Business (Executive Administration)
Bachelor of Business (Marketing Management)
Bachelor of Fashion (Apparel Engineering & Design)
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Screen Production
Holmesglen 将会继续与堪培拉大学提供以下合作课程
Bachelor of Commerce (Year 2 & 3 only)
Bachelor of Information Technology(Year 2 & 3 only)
As a result of a review of the degree programs and pathway arrangements betweenHolmesglen and the University of Canberra (UC), it has been decided that thedegree programs developed and owned by Holmesglen will again be delivered andawarded by Holmesglen, effective as from 2015.
The degree programs
that will be delivered and awarded by Holmesglen are:
Bachelor of Business (Executive Administration)
Bachelor of Business (Marketing Management)
Bachelor of Fashion (Apparel Engineering & Design)
Bachelor of Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Screen Production
From 2015, the above listed degrees will be offered by Holmesglen, with allcurrent pathways, entry requirements and fees remaining unchanged.Students currently undertaking a UC degree at Holmesglen willnot be affected by these changes. UC will continue to deliver the degreeprogram and teach out the qualification to this cohort.
Holmesglen will continue to offer the following two degrees in association withUC, as a degree pathway program:
Bachelor of Commerce (Year 2 & 3 only)
Bachelor of Information Technology(Year 2 & 3 only)