昆士兰科技大学健康科学与生物医学创新研究院(Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation)开设的研究领域有:
前列腺癌(Prostate cancer)
乳腺癌(Breast cancer)
暖巢癌(Ovarian cancer)
子宫内膜癌(Endometrial cancer)
肺癌(Lung cancer)
慢性疾病与治疗(Chronic disease, supportive and palliative care)
癌症治疗(cancer care)
伤口愈合(wound healing)
老龄化与老年痴呆症护理(ageing and dementia care)
姑息护理(palliative care)
妇科(womens' health)
慢性肾病(chronic kidney disease)
心脑血管疾病(cardiovascular disease)
环境健康科学(Environmental health)
阳光与健康学(sun and health)
室内空气质量(indoor air quality)
全球环境变化与人口健康学(global environmental changes and population health)
运动营养与代谢(Exercise, nutrition and metabolism)
锻炼与体力活动(Exercise and physical activity)
营养与饮食(Nutrition and dietetics)
能量代谢(Energy metabolism)
医疗服务(Health services)
医疗保健与感染(Healthcare acquired infection)
医疗保健与创新(Health services innovation)
健康推广(Health promotion)
急诊医学与灾害管理(Emergency medicine and disaster management)
传染病(Infectious diseases)
细菌感染(Bacterial infections)
伤害预防(Injury prevention)
运动损伤(Sporting injuries)
职业安全(Occupational safety)
学校与社区伤害预防(School and community injury prevention)
心理健康(Mental health and wellbeing)
认知心理学(Cognitive psychology)
认知神经科学(Cognitive neuroscience)
发育、社会、临床、健康心理学(Developmental, social, clinical and health psychology)
心理教育学(Pedagogy of psychology)
伤害预防心理学(Injury prevention psychology)
分子医学(Molecular medicine)
分子医学(Molecular medicine)项目是由基因组学研究中心开设(Genomics Research Centre (GRC)),研究教职人员约30人。
骨科与创伤(Orthopaedics and trauma)
动物模型(animal models)
生物制造(bio fabrication)
软骨生物力学(cartilage biomechanics)
细胞生物学(cell biology)
细胞生物力学(cell biomechanics)
临床研究(clinical research)
急诊医学(emergency medicine)
定量成像(quantitative imaging)
数学建模(mathematical modelling)
机械测试(mechanical testing)
骨关节炎与骨质疏松(osteoarthritis & osteoporosis)
再生医学(regenerative medicine)
脊柱畸形与脊柱疾病(spinal deformity and spinal disease)
外科植入(surgical implants)
组织工程(tissue engineering)
健康问题与社会因素(Social determinants of health)
健康与不平等性问题(Health inequalities)
社会正义(Social justice)
健康与幸福(Health and wellbeing)
视力与提升(Vision improvement)
眼球畸变与视觉功能的关系(Aberrations of the eye and visual function)
糖尿病神经病变评估与监测(Assessment and monitoring of diabetic neuropathy)
儿童视力研究(Children's vision)
近视与眼压(Myopia and ocular growth: development and control)
视网膜与其他眼部疾病(Retinal and other eye disease)
视觉障碍与驾驶(Visual impairment and driving performance)
创伤与组织修复(Wound and tissue restoration)
组织修复与重塑(Tissue repair and remodelling)
皮肤与创面护理(Skin and wound management)