Swan Reach Area School简介

  Swan Reach Area School was first established in 1961 and since that time development and progress has been steady. In 1972 the old buildings in the main street were vacated and the new school was opened at Showground Road.

  The school has excellent facilities including the School Community Library, gymnasium, swimming pool, oval and courts. The Swan Reach Area School and Kindergarten provides quality education in a supportive learning environment for students from Kindy through to Year 12. The school structure of Junior, Middle and Senior Sub Schools is organized around the specific developmental needs of students.

  The school is located a short distance from the Murray River and town centre and is set in beautiful surrounds. An extensive curriculum covers all learning areas including Vocational Education Training, LOTE (Japanese), Music and Information Technology. A strong focus is placed on literacy, numeracy and science

  留学360介绍,Swan Reach Area School endeavours to produce graduates with the abilities and confidence to make a difference, work independently and with others, and connect with the world around them. The school‘s values are respect, participation, success, integrity and care.

  Swan Reach is a rural community two hours north-east of Adelaide. The R - 12 school services a community employed in diverse agri-businesses including dry-land farming, irrigation and horticulture. A community kindergarten/play centre and community library are on campus. The school owns and operates an agri-enterprise of 4 hectares, including a vineyard and citrus grove, propagation shed/greenhouse, fowl run and market gardens. This permits exposure to hands-on agricultural education and enterprise.

  The school’s learning priorities are information and communication technologies, student wellbeing and literacy/numeracy, which seek to enhance student connection and achievement. Japanese is taught R - 10. Programs are tailored to an individual student‘s needs and include a broad range of subject choices including university pathways, vocational education and training options and school-based apprenticeships or traineeships.

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[Swan Reach Area School简介] 文章生成时间为:2015-08-31 02:54:11
SwanReachAreaSchool(Swan Reach Area School)
  • 院校名称:SwanReachAreaSchool
  • 学校类型:公立中学
  • 建校时间:0年
  • 学生人数:0人
  • 院校地址:Showground Road,Swan Reach SA 5354
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/au/swanrchas/
  • Swan Reach Area School was first established in 1961 and since that time development and progress has been steady. In 1972 the old buildings in the main stree...…[详细介绍]

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