Fairy Meadow Demonstration School好不好

  留学360介绍,Our school is committed to the provision of a caring learning environment which caters for the wide range of abilities, interests and learning styles of our students from Pre-School to Year 6.

  We are a unique school in our Region and provide teaching and learning programs via 15 mainstream classes, 5 Support classes and a Pre-School.

  We are a Demonstration school with close links to the trainee teacher programs at the Education Faculty of the University of Wollongong.

  We currently have 28% of our students who come from Non English Speaking Backgrounds. Our programs cater for a wide range of student abilities and cultural backgrounds and focus on promoting excellence, success and opportunity. Some of our programs include PBS [ Positive Behaviour for Success], Triple L [Language, Learning & Literacy], Daily Fitness and Accelerated Literacy.

  Curriculum & activities

  Winners! Winners! Winners!

  Our Green Team has just been awarded 1st Place for their Environmental Management Plan. Congratulations to this hard working group of students, who regularly give up their lunch hour to work on ‘Green’ projects around our school.

  They have received a $600 prize and are looking forward to spending it!

  Knowing what your child is learning helps you support them throughout their education.

  In this section you can find out how public education works and the range of learning opportunities offered for students to challenge their thinking, and make the most of their unique talents.

  Our Preschool program provides exciting and varied activities to support your child‘s interests, needs and development.

  The program stimulates children’s thinking, communicating, investigating, exploring and problem solving skills. It also promotes physical activity and healthy eating, and helps them be ready for transition to school.

  Our early childhood trained teacher and school learning support officer are guided by the early years learning framework - belonging, being and becoming that emphasises play-based learning, communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy), and social and emotional development.

  Primary learning includes whole-class, group and individual activities designed to develop an inquiring mind and teach basic learning skills needed for schooling and later life.

  Literacy and numeracy are the building blocks of learning and that is why English and mathematics take up half of students‘ learning time in primary school.

  During Term 3 we will be commencing our Transition to School Program.

  If you are interested in visiting our fantastic school, please contact the school directly for enrolment information. We will be updating our website during Term 2 with information regarding our transition to school dates.

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[Fairy Meadow Demonstration School好不好] 文章生成时间为:2015-09-09 05:35:00
FairyMeadowDemonstrationSchool(Fairy Meadow Demonstration School)

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