Naracoorte High School怎么样

  Naracoorte High School has well kept facilities situated in magnificent grounds. There is strong parent and community support for the school.The learning environment is supportive, friendly and caring.Naracoorte High School is isolated in terms of access to curriculum support available in large country and city communities.This isolation has implications for excursions, training and development and staffing.Students completing year 12 at Naracoorte High School benefit from up to 8 bonus points for University entrance.

  留学360介绍,Naracoorte and district is fortunate to have low unemployment due predominantly to the extensive vineyards and a large meatworks. Many students are able to gain employment in these enterprises and in associated trades and businesses in year 10, 11 and 12.

  There is strong local business support for our structured work place program for Years 10 and 11 students. Many students complete VET subjects and School Based Apprenticeships.Naracoorte was a predominantly mono-cultural society, there has been a significant influx of people from other cultures, particularly New Zealand, Afganistan and Asia. The school vineyard, Highcoorte, is progressing very well, with harvests since 2000.

  Core Business

  The core business for Naracoorte High School is teaching and learning in a supportive environment.

  Teaching programs in years 8 to 10 provide for learning for all students in 7 of the 8 areas of study. The LOTE program is offered through Open Access.

  A comprehensive range of SACE subjects is offered, with students encouraged to use the flexibility possible to achieve their SACE, including Community Learning and other flexible learning programs.

  An Independent Learning Program was introduced in 2007 to support students who have left school to complete the SACE. This has a separate off site campus.

  VET is offered in a wide range of areas, some of which are incorporated/embedded in SACE. Access to other courses is available through district arrangement. School Based New Apprenticeships are also supported in our school.

  Specific learning needs of students are catered for in the general classroom program with modifications where necessary to enable students to be successful. Additional support is offered through:

  - Advanced Learning classes operate in Years 9 and 10 to challenge and extend high achieving students.

  - Students are encouraged to participate in a range of extra-curricula extension activities. Free entry is provided to a number of National competitions.

  - SSO support for students on NEPs or with low levels of literacy.

  - Maintaining SACE options by combining classes and using distance education, mainly through the Open Access College.

  - Individual programmes are negotiated including work placements for some year 9 and 10 students.

  Current Priorities

  - Middle School – development of a middle school, with its elected SRC. Within the confines of a small school attempting to have teachers teach one class for several subjects. A Middle School Coordinator was appointed from 2005.

  - Success for Boys – engaging students.

  - Site Review

  - Student well-being – Year 8 self development program.

  - Values

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[Naracoorte High School怎么样] 文章生成时间为:2015-09-19 04:15:43
NaracoorteHighSchool(Naracoorte High School)
  • 院校名称:NaracoorteHighSchool
  • 学校类型:公立中学
  • 建校时间:0年
  • 学生人数:0人
  • 院校地址:Stewart Tce, Naracoorte SA 5271
  • 中文介绍:
  • Naracoorte High School has well kept facilities situated in magnificent grounds. There is strong parent and community support for the school.The learning envi...…[详细介绍]

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