UNSW Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering currently holds the world record for single-crystalline silicon solar cell efficiency (24.7%). It is one of the leading solar cell research centres in the world with ongoing active research in the area of wafer-based solar cell technologies,thin film cell technologies and advanced third-generation cell concepts.
The Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design is one of Australia‘s leading polymer institutes with research in all facets of macromolecular design and applications.
立思辰留学360介绍,UNSW的工程学院 (Faculty of Engineering) 是全澳大利亚最大的工程学院,提供非常广泛的工程学课程。本学院共有10个学系:生物医学工程研究系 (Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering) 化学工程与工业化学系 (School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry) 土木与环境工程系 (School of Civil & Environmental Engineering) 计算机科学与工程系 (School of Computer Science and Engineering)电机工程与通信系 (School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications) 机械与制造工程系 (School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) 采矿工程系 (School of Mining Engineering) 石油工程系 (School of Petroleum Engineering)太阳能电力工程系 (School of Photovoltaic Engineering) 测量与空间信息系统系 (School of Surveying and Spatial Infromation Systems)
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