昆士兰科技大学未来环境研究院(Institute for Future Environments)开设的研究中心与项目有:
澳大利亚航空航天自动化研究中心(Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA))
高级自动飞行系统(Advanced Automated Flight Systems)
应用传感器(Sensors for Applications)
多学科设计与优化(Multidisciplinary Design and Optimisation)
航空风险管理与监管(Aviation Risk Management and Regulation)
视觉防撞(Vision-Based Collision Avoidance)
电力线网络自动航测与飞行辅助系统(enhanced Flight Assist System (eFAS) for Automated Aerial Survey of Powerline Networks)
交互系统(Interactive systems)
万向传感系统技术与市场分析(Technical and Market analysis of Gimbal Sensor Systems)
飞行辅助系统(Flight Assist System)
智能天空项目(Smart Skies Project)
机载电力线检测技术与完善(Airborne Powerline Inspection Technology Improvements)
网络整体规划(Whole of Network Planning)
航空表形分析(Aerial Phenotyping)
热带作物与生物商品研究中心(Centre for Tropical Crops and Bio commodities (CTCB))
农业生物技术(Agricultural Biotechnology)
生物商品(Bio commodities)
温室气体研究项目(Greenhouse Gas Research program)
地下水系统研究项目(Groundwater Systems Research program)
研究项目 |
项目英文名 |
相关导师 |
未来能源系统与清洁技术 |
Future energy systems and clean technologies |
Professor Gerard Ledwich |
测量系统与资源 |
Geosystems and resources |
Professor Peter McCabe |
健康生态系统与环境监测 |
Healthy ecosystems and environmental monitoring |
Professor Peter Grace |
智能环境 |
Intelligent environments |
Professor Peter Corke |
数学计算模拟与电子研究 |
Maths, computation, simulation and e-research |
Professor Peter Bartlett and Professor Kevin Burrage |
安全性与弹性基础架构 |
Secure and resilient infrastructure |
Professor Laurie Buys |
热带与亚热带可持续生产 |
Sustainable tropical and subtropical production |
Professor James Dale |