商学院(Faculty of Business)
会计系(School of Accountancy)
广告营销与公共关系系(School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations)
财经系(School of Economics and Finance)
管理系(School of Management)
研究生商学系(QUT Graduate School of Business)
企业培训系(Corporate Education)
创意产业学院(Faculty of Creative Industries)
设计学系(School of Design)
媒体娱乐与创意学系(School of Media, Entertainment and Creative Arts)
教育学院(Faculty of Education)
早教系(School of Early Childhood)
文化与师范教育系(School of Cultural and Professional Learning)
课程教学系(School of Curriculum)
健康科学系(Faculty of Health)
生物医学系(School of Biomedical Sciences)
临床科学系(School of Clinical Sciences)
运动与营养学系(School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences)
护理学系(School of Nursing)
验光与视觉科学系(School of Optometry and Vision Science)
公共健康与社会工作系(School of Public Health and Social Work)
心理学辅导系(School of Psychology and Counselling)
法学院(Faculty of Law)
法学系(School of Law)
司法系(School of Justice)
法律实践(Legal Practice Unit)
工程与理学院(Faculty of Sciences and Engineering)
化学、物理与机械工程系(Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering School)
土木工程与建筑环境学系(Civil Engineering and Built Environment School)
地球环境与生物科学系(Earth, Environmental and Biological Sciences School)
电气工程与计算机科学系(Electrical Engineering and Computer Science School)
信息系统系(Information Systems School)
数学系(Mathematical Sciences School)
未来环境研究学院(Institute for Future Environments)
健康科学与生物医学创新学院(Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation)