悉尼科技大学,(英语:University of Technology, Sydney,简称UTS)位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州首府悉尼的市中心,是一所以商、法、教育、科技为主的综合性大学,澳大利亚名校之一,世界前200大学。
其拥有世界上顶尖的商学院与法学院,商学院金融与会计QS2016世界排名49 ,法学院QS2016世界排名41。
澳大利亚悉尼科技大学被誉为澳大利亚最受尊敬的大学之一,其成功之处在于学校的课程采取面向行业应用和研究的方式,不断地保持着课程的实用性和先进性,以保证学生学习到最实用的知识,从而也使得UTS的毕业生在职场上更具竞争力。澳大利亚悉尼科技大学2008年被澳洲联邦政府评为教学与学生表现最佳大学。UTS商学院通过了国际高等商学院协会(AACSB International),2008年商科毕业生的就业率达到86%。
Michael Cook, CEO of Macquarie Capital Alliance Group - part of Macquarie Bank; NSWIT - Bachelor of business studies (accounting)
Anna Funder, author of Stasiland; Faculty of Humanities - Master‘s degree in creative writing
Morris Iemma, politician and premier of NSW; Faculty of Law - Master’s degree in law
Hugh Jackman, actor; Faculty of Humanities - Bachelor‘s degree in communications (journalism)
Hon. Justice Tricia Kavanagh, NSW Industrial Relations Commissioner; Faculty of Law - Bachelor’s degree in law (1981), Doctor of Philosophy in law (1998)
Christian Kent, former Chairman of Chaser Corporation; Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences - Bachelor‘s degree in applied science (computing)
Alaa Daham, adjunct professor of Engineering at Syracuse University
David Murray, former CEO of the Commonwealth Bank; Faculty of Business - Bachelor’s degree in business (accounting)
Tim Palmer, award-winning ABC journalist; Faculty of Humanities - Bachelor‘s degree in communications 1991
Tanya Plibersek, politician; Faculty of Humanities - Bachelor’s degree
Julia Wilson, rower; Faculty of Business - Bachelor‘s degree
Tiffany Suk, Famous fashion designer- Bachelor’s degree