堪培拉大学 University of Canberra;
斯文伯尔尼理工大学 Swinburne University of Technoloy;
南澳大学 University of South Australia;
中央昆士兰大学 Central Queensland University;
查尔斯特大学 Charles Sturt University;
圣母大学 Notre Dame;
新英格兰大学 The University of New England;
南昆士兰大学 University of Southern Queensland。
澳大利亚墨尔本大学,简称UM(The University ofMelbourne)
澳大利亚蒙纳士大学,简称Monash(Monash University)
澳大利亚国立大学,简称ANU(Australian NationalUniversity)
澳大利亚悉尼大学,简称USYD(University of Sydney)
澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,简称UNSW(The University ofNew South Wales)
澳大利亚阿德雷德大学,简称Adelaide(The University ofAdelaide)
澳大利亚西澳大学,简称UWA(The University ofWestern Australia)
澳大利亚昆士兰大学,简称UQ(The University ofQueensland)
1 . Australian Catholic University
2 . Bond University
3 . Central Queensland University(2014年7月1日Central Queensland Institute of TAFE合并入此校)
4 . Charles Darwin University
5 . Charles Sturt University
6 . Curtin University of Technology
7 . Deakin University
8 . Edith Cowan University
9 . Flinders University
10 . Griffith University
11 . James Cook University
12 . La Trobe University
13 . Macquarie University
14 . Monash University
15 . Murdoch University
16 . National Institute of Dramatic Arts
17 . Queensland University of Technology
18 . RMIT University
19 . Southern Cross University
20 . Swinburne University of Technology
21 . The Australian National University
22 . The College of Law
23 . The University of Adelaide
24 . The University of Melbourne
25 . The University of New England
26 . The University of New South Wales
27 . The University of Newcastle
28 . The University of Notre Dame Australia
29 . The University of Queensland
30 . The University of Sydney
31 . The University of Western Australia
32 . Top Education Institute
33 . Federation University Australia(原University of Ballarat)
34 . University of Canberra
35 . University of South Australia
36 . University of Southern Queensland
37 . University of Tasmania
38 . University of Technology Sydney
39 . University of the Sunshine Coast
40 . University of Wollongong
41 . Victoria University
42 . Western Sydney University