会计专业(Bachelor of Commerce-Professional Accounting)的学生修满69个学分后,即可毕业,这其中必修课的安排如下:
100 Level(大一阶段)共21个学分:
1. Accounting in Society
2. Accounting and Governance
3. Finance 1A
4. Principles of Management
5. Microeconomic Principles
6. Marketing Fundamentals
7. Quantitative Business Decisions
200 Level(大二阶段)共15个学分:
1. Fundamentals of Management Accounting
2. Intermediate Financial Accounting
3. Accounting Systems Design and Development
4. Business Law
5. Applied Financial Analysis and Management / Financial Management
300 Level(大三阶段)共21个学分:
1. Accounting in Context
2. Organizational Planning and Control
3. Corporate Accounting and Reporting
4. Accountants in the Profession
5. Auditing and Assurance Services
6. Corporation Law
7. Revenue Law
毕业生拥有广泛的就业机会,可从事以下职业: 企业风险治理、金融犯罪分析、财务经理、总经理、市场分析师、营销经理、产品开发管理; 就职于以下行业: 会计和咨询公司、大中型企业、业务分析公司、金融机构、市场营销和公关公司、政府组织、商业银行、股票交易所、管理咨询公司。