澳大利亚留学:Charles La Trobe College介绍

  The College focuses on ‘personalised learning’, that is, building educational programs that suit the interests, needs and abilities of individual students to assist them realise their full potential.

  Charles La Trobe Collegehttp://www.liuxue360.com/au/charleslatrobecollege/)sits within a multi-cultural, multi-faith, economically and socially diverse community. Engagement with the community and promotion of diversity is recognised as a valuable part of school life.

  In addition to the main Charles La Trobe College Campus, our Olympic Village Campus offers a Prep-Year 4 environment that provides the same high quality programs. This campus enjoys the benefits of a small school with strong community connections. When students complete Year 4 they move together to the main campus: Charles La Trobe College, at Macleod West, to commence Year 5 (Middle School).

  Charles La Trobe College offers outstanding educational facilities and partnerships. These include:

  Quantum Victoria – A specialised centre offering excellence and innovation in Science and Mathematics education. Quantum Victoria has a state wide responsibility for increasing student interest and knowledge in Science and Mathematics. This centre is integrated into the college, thus enabling students access to experienced educators and innovative programs.

  La Trobe University – A partnership with La Trobe University has been developed. This provides the college with access to university staff, students and facilities. In the future our students will have the opportunity to study a university subject whilst completing their VCE at Charles La Trobe College.

  Northern College of the Arts and Technology (NCAT) – A Year 10-13 School specialising in arts, design and technology. Our partnership with the former Northland Secondary College ensures that expertise, in these specific areas of the curriculum, is provided for our students.

  Other unique features of Charles La Trobe College:

  Olympic Village Campus – It is proposed that this campus will become part of the Olympic Village Learning Hub incorporating maternal and child health, child care, kindergarten, adult education and a community centre. This integrated centre will build a sense of community involvement in education from birth to adulthood.

  Charles La Trobe College Deaf Facility – The Facility supports deaf and hearing impaired students who attend mainstream classes from Years 7-12. The individual learning needs of each student are met by a needs based communication approach, provided by Teachers of the Deaf and Sign Language Interpreters. Students have the opportunity to study AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language) as a VCE subject.

  International Student Program – International students are an integral part of college life. Their learning needs are assessed and programs are provided to assist them to learn alongside their local colleagues.

  Sister school in China – The recent establishment of a sister school in China provides excellent opportunities for students to enjoy cultural exchanges.

  Specialist Mathematics and Science Program Year 9-10

  – An enrichment program has been developed for Year 9-10 students. Students will access state of the art facilities to extend their studies in Mathematics, Science and related technologies. Students in this program will work directly with Quantum Victoria and La Trobe University staff.


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[澳大利亚留学:Charles La Trobe College介绍] 文章生成时间为:2012-08-01 08:32:44
BanksiaLaTrobeCampusofCharlesLaTrobeCollege(Banksia La Trobe Campus of  Charles La Trobe College)

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