澳大利亚留学:Golden Grove High School介绍

  Golden Grove High Schoolhttp://www.liuxue360.com/au/goldengrovehs/)is a comprehensive public secondary school enrolling students from Year 8 to Year 12

  The school is unique in South Australia because it is co-located with Gleeson College and Pedare Christian College. A common line timetable allows students to access subjects at the other two schools on campus. The ability to combine small groups of students into viable classes benefits each campus school and offers an exceptionally wide curriculum choice to our students, within world-class facilities. This occurs in the Senior School, particularly Year 12.

  Golden Grove High School is recognised as a “Centre of Excellence in the Arts” and offers a wellestablished Special Entry Dance program at Years 8, 9 and 10. Our state-of-the-art Multi-Arts Centre provides students with an outstanding venue for performance and celebration.

  High academic achievement is a priority and Higher Order Thinking Skills and the Habits of Mind are explicitly taught in all Year 8 and 9 subjects.

  A comprehensive curriculum embracing all eight areas of study as defined by the South AustralianCurriculum Standards and Accountability Framework is available to students from Years 8 to 10. The principles of middle schooling guide all decision-making processes and curriculum development in Years 8, 9 and Semester one of Year 10. Class sizes in Year 8 average 23 and two teachers teach a Home Group for nearly 50% of the curriculum, providing opportunity for quality relationships to develop and hence improved student learning. Year 10 is seen as a transition year with Semester one connecting more with the middle schooling philosophy and Semester two focusing more on SACE / senior schooling principles. (see Middle and Senior School Charters under the relevant section of this course book).

  To assist students to connect school study with post-school study and career possibilities this course book has a section devoted to career pathways. These pathways act as a broad guide and allow students to select groups of subjects with a range of associated careers in mind.

  While it is the school’s intention to provide the senior school subjects described in this booklet in 2012, our ability to do so will depend upon sufficient numbers of students electing to study particular subjects, and the availability of staff and facilities. Changing circumstances may force alterations to our proposed offerings.

  Please note there are several Stage 1 and 2 subjects on offer that require an application process for selection. Students are advised that a purple “Subject Application Form” must be completed for the subjects listed below before the start of the subject counselling process. These forms are available from C Block Reception area. Stage 1 – Child Studies Cert II, Digital Multi-Media, Hospitality Cert I,Music Technology, Peer Support, NEVO / VET, Stage 2 – NEVO / VET.

  Some courses may attract additional costs for materials, excursions, camps, transport, etc.Information on additional costs can be found under the heading “Advice to Students” with each course descriptor.

  Effective Assessment at Golden Grove High School should :

  give all students opportunities for success, inclusive of their learning style/s

  provide each student with a written assessment plan for the semester or term or topic

  Assessment Plans :

  should be simple and student friendly

  students should stick the plan in their book

  the topics / skills / themes / etc to be taught should be listed

  the assessment tasks and their weighting (marks) should be clearly identified

  students should be able to check their progress during the semester

  ensure students are made aware and understand the explicit assessment criteria for each task

  provide constructive and explicit feedback to all students about what they have achieved, and how to progress

  promote self-managed and independent learners

  give all students opportunities to achieve relevant outcomes in a variety of ways, at different levels

  be a tool that teachers use to measure the effectiveness of their teaching and learning programs

  be consistent within and across learning areas and levels of schooling

  assessment of student achievement is formally reported to students and parents six times per year. Written assessment reports are generated each term as well as opportunity for two parent/teacher/student interviews during the year.


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[澳大利亚留学:Golden Grove High School介绍] 文章生成时间为:2012-08-08 01:21:28
GoldenGroveHighSchool(Golden Grove High School)
  • 院校名称:GoldenGroveHighSchool
  • 学校类型:公立中学
  • 建校时间:0年
  • 学生人数:0人
  • 院校地址:1 Adey Place, Golden Grove,South Australia 5125
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/au/goldengrovehs/
  • We have a special focus on the Spanish and Japanese languages.An elite Physical Education program at Year 10, designed for gifted and academically able sports...…[详细介绍]

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