澳大利亚留学:Lilydale Heights College介绍

  1970 heralded the opening of Lilydale Technical School . Students from as far away as Healesville arrived to empty paddocks beside the Lilydale cemetery. The boys had to travel to Mooroolbark Technical School and the girls used two borrowed portables installed at the Presbyterian Church at Lilydale.

  Lilydale Technical School was born.

  On 11 March 1970 construction began. In June, Mr. Boyd, the Senior Master, conducted the first assembly of 132 students. The first Principal, Mr Barry Johnson, believed that we had the basis of 'a very fine school'.

  The College mission is to provide educational opportunities that, characterised by innovation and achievement, ensure high quality student learning.


  In student learning we seek the best possible high quality learning outcomes for all students reflected in:

  Students valuing high achievement and personal success

  A College culture of continuous improvement

  A commitment to high standards

  Creation of excellence through innovative programs

  In quality curriculum provision we see:

  Diversity and depth of program catering for all students

  Goal centred and cooperative learning as critical to providing successful pathways

  Enrichment and specialisation as incorporated within the culture of the College

  We envisage a College environment, which:

  Supports the development of both positive student attitudes towards school and rigour in learning

  Recognizes the value of pride in and ownership of learning

  Engages students in the academic, cultural and social aspects of schooling

  Promotes student safety and well being within a climate of positive behaviour and conduct

  We envisage Staff to:

  Commit to high quality personal and professional standards

  Embrace the fundamental importance of continuous improvement in student learning

  Value their own professional growth and understanding that it is a key to improved student outcomes

  Provide support by strong collaborative and productive leadership at all levels within the College

  We undertake to develop and maintain the best possible facilities and resources in line with the College's established goals and priorities. We will explore every opportunity to acquire further resources to meet emerging challenges.

  Our partnership with the Community:

  Builds on the dynamic that exists between parents and the College with a common desire for the best possible learning

  Embraces the opportunities that come from engagement with the Community

  Seeks to develop new links with established and emerging groups in education, business and Local Governme


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[澳大利亚留学:Lilydale Heights College介绍] 文章生成时间为:2012-08-11 01:09:40
利利代尔高地中学(Lilydale Heights College)

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