澳大利亚留学:Mordialloc College介绍

  It is a pleasure to be the new Principal of Mordialloc Collegehttp://www.liuxue360.com/au/mcsc/). I am excited about the opportunity to lead the Mordialloc College community in planning and implementing its next stage of development in order to provide the highest quality education. I am committed to innovation and educational excellence. I have a genuine love of teaching and learning and working with students and teachers to help them be the best they can be. I am committed to the development of meaningful relationships with staff, students and parents and value their trust and respect. I believe all members need to take responsibility for the learning, wellbeing and positive relationships within the Mordialloc College community, thereby working towards achieving the best outcomes for all of our students.

  The purpose of student learning at Mordialloc College is to challenge our 21st century students to become partners in our learning community by providing them with meaningful, individualised, quality programs that create successful, independent and confident lifelong learners. Education is ever changing as we come to know more about how our students learn and place more emphasis on helping them develop the skills and attributes they need if they are to take their place confidently in the world which lies in wait for them. It is a world where perseverance, resilience, initiative, problem solving and co-operation count for more than knowing facts. And we must equip our students for it.

  A key feature of Mordialloc College is that we are able to provide smaller class sizes across the College. The curriculum and structure have been designed to enable teachers, students and parents to develop close and positive relationships. Our Learning Centres in Years 7 & 8 are well established and our Year 9 students look forward to the opportunities offered by participating in the “Mordialloc Experience” for a term, yet we continue to reflect and seek to improve in every aspect of our programs to ensure we are getting the best outcomes for our students. There is a broad range of opportunities and pathways offered in the senior school, including VCE, VET and VCAL which cater for the diverse interests, needs and abilities of our student cohort.

  Mordialloc can be proud of its reputation, having been celebrated as an exemplar within the system as a school at the forefront of educational innovation. The College is frequently asked to present at educational forums at a state, national and international level and has hosted many visitors keen to see our programs in action and to share resources. The College also excels within the Arts as demonstrated by the dynamic music program, the highly successful multi-arts showcase and the annual art show.

  It is most pleasing to see that students are engaged and enjoy coming to school at Mordialloc College as reflected in the Student Attitudes to School survey results for 2010. We achieved very positive results being well above the state average on all variables. This includes: Student Wellbeing - measured by the variables of student morale and student distress; Teaching and Learning – measured by teacher effectiveness, teacher empathy, stimulated learning, school connectedness, student motivation and learning confidence; and Student Relationships – measured by connectedness to peers, classroom behaviour and student safety.

  We welcome visitors to our vibrant learning community and I am available to take you on a personal tour of the College to see our programs in action and answer any questions you may have. We welcome enrolment enquiries for all year levels.


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[澳大利亚留学:Mordialloc College介绍] 文章生成时间为:2012-08-14 03:37:30
摩迪亚洛克学院(Mordialloc College)
  • 院校名称:摩迪亚洛克学院
  • 学校类型:公立中学
  • 建校时间:0年
  • 学生人数:0人
  • 院校地址:1 Station Street,Mordialloc,Victoria 3195
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/au/mcsc/
  • It is a pleasure to be the new Principal of Mordialloc College. I am excited about the opportunity to lead the Mordialloc College community in planning and im...…[详细介绍]

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