澳大利亚留学:Narara Valley High School介绍

  We are a proud comprehensive public high school, where personal best and school pride are valued. Our focus on learning and positive relationships helps all members of the school community prepare for the future in a fair and supportive environment.

  Narara Valley is an energetic, motivated and comprehensive high school catering for students of all abilities. The school has a developing reputation in the community for its strong focus on school welfare and discipline, and recognition of student achievement through praise and reward. Learning facilities at the school are exemplary and ever improving with intense focus on the implementation of new and existing technology. The school is seen as a thriving learning environment by the surrounding community. A community where parents, staff and students work together with a common goal, to achieve both personal and group success, while undertaking social and cultural development. Nothing reflects these ideals more than the school motto "Learning For The Future". For this success to be achieved it requires collaborative efforts and continued support from the whole school community.


  School enrolment for the 2011 school year was approximately 1150 students. The schoolˇs enrolment includes a support unit that caters for approximately 30 students.


  The staffing entitlement for 2011 was 78.833 staff. The school has 13 executive staff including 10 head teachers, 2 deputy principals and 1 principal. All teaching staff met the professional requirements for teaching in New South Walesˇpublic schools.

  School initiatives & Significant programs

  Narara Valley High School has a number of significant programs. These programs include the following;

  Creative and Performing Arts Cohort Program

  Accelerated Cohort Program

  Targeted Sports Program Cohort

  Stage 6 Accelerated Program


  Aboriginal Education

  Multicultural Education

  Quality Teaching Pedagogy Initiatives

  Student Welfare

  Student Leadership

  Vocational Education

  Special Education (Support Unit)



  Cultural Exchanges

  Narara Valley High School is a comprehensive high school catering for students of all ability levels. The school has developed a reputation for its strong focus on academic achievement,discipline and recognising student achievement.Narara Valley High School has been nationally recognised for its approach to junior curriculum and student welfare, particularly in the area of mental health and wellbeing.

  Learning facilities at the school are excellent,including three dedicated computer labs and an agriculture plot. The school boasts an industrial kitchen for use in the teaching of Hospitality, a performance stage, including industry standard sound and lighting, to aid in the schoolˇs Creative And Performing Arts programs, a dedicated dance studio and drama space. The school also possesses a state of the art connected classroom and is equipped with a whole school wireless network.

  I certify that the information in this report is the result of a rigorous school self.evaluation process and is a balanced and genuine account of the school's achievements and areas for development.


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[澳大利亚留学:Narara Valley High School介绍] 文章生成时间为:2012-08-15 03:28:48
NararaValleyHighSchool(Narara Valley High School)
  • 院校名称:NararaValleyHighSchool
  • 学校类型:公立中学
  • 建校时间:0年
  • 学生人数:0人
  • 院校地址:Cnr Fountains & Pandala Rds,Narara 2250
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/au/nararavalyhs/
  • Narara Valley is an energetic, motivated and comprehensive high school catering for students of all abilities. The school has a developing reputation in the c...…[详细介绍]

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