澳大利亚留学:Picton High School介绍

  Picton High Schoolhttp://www.liuxue360.com/au/picton-hs/)was established in 1958 as a co-educational comprehensive school and services a semi-rural growing community. The school has strong links with its local community and feeder primary schools. The school has a tradition of sporting and academic achievement and is recognised within the district for its innovate approach to curriculum, extensive student welfare and learning support programs. The school has a multi-purpose hall, modern science laboratories, kitchens and a well-equipped library. Facilities for photography, car care, information technology, drama and creative arts are well established. Picton High School seeks to educate its students to achieve excellence in all areas of endeavour.


  In February 2010 there were 1269 students enrolled. This represented an increase of 58 on the previous year. Of these 626 were boys and 643 were girls. The enrolments in each year were year 7 (236), year 8 (249), year 9 (240), year 10 (222), year 11 (166) and year 12 (133). The cultural backgrounds of students were predominately Anglo Saxon. There were 82 students who identified as being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders.

  Forty two students were enrolled in part time study or TAFE. The school has a support unit for students with disabilities. Of these students 13 were enrolled in the IM class whilst 10 were enrolled in the IO class.


  We had a staffing allocation of 84.1 teaching and 16.772 non teaching staff in 2010. The faculty composition of this was 10 English teachers, 11 mathematics teachers, 10 science teachers, 5 history staff, 5 social sciences staff, 4 music staff, 8 PD/H/PE teachers, 2 languages staff, 7 home economics teachers, 4 visual arts teachers and 6 industrial arts staff. There were 2 support teachers IO and IM, 1.3 STLA.s, a librarian, a school counsellor and a careers advisor. In addition to this there were 4 temporary staff members.

  The school administrative staff included a school administration manager, a general assistant, 0.6 farm assistant, two teacher.s aides special and 12.72 school administrative support officers totaling an allocation of 16.772.

  All teaching staff meets the professional requirements for teaching in NSW public schools.

  Significant programs and initiatives

  . Picton Community of schools;

  . Picton High School anti bullying tracking system;

  . The school continued to offer a broad and varied camping and excursion program including Duke of Edinburgh, Marine Studies excursion to Lady Elliot Island and

  . Positive Behaviour for learning development fully implemented in 2010.

  Welfare Programs operating onsite at Picton High School include:

  . Young Women.s Group delivered by Marg Foster & Rochelle Barber from Wollondilly Shire Council.

  . Conflict Resolution . strategies for resolving conflict run by the school counsellors on a needs basis;

  . Girls Getting Out There . female students from the support units had the opportunity to learn interview techniques, resume writing, appropriate mannerism & interview attire. Program facilitated by MTC . Youth Connections

  . U Choose Program funded by Youth Solutions & the Cancer Council of NSW. A 5 week program aiming to help youth to stop smoking.

  . Drug and Alcohol Training . to help young people to be aware of drug and alcohol related issues. Delivered by Mission Australia;

  . Peer Mediation . senior students mediating between peers in conflict. Facilitated by the Head Teacher Welfare and school counsellors;

  . Plan It Youth . mentoring program facilitated by community volunteers and the Careers Advisor Mrs Sue Sundstrom;

  . Sister to Sister . mentoring program which supports and nurtures underprivileged and disadvantaged girls by giving them vital tools to build happy fulfilling lives. Facilitated by the school counsellors and the Life Changing Experience Foundation;

  . Standing Strong program . develops students. communication, self esteem, conflict resolution and anger management. Presented by Community Links Wollondilly;

  . Youth Solutions delivers assistance to meet individual needs. Delivered by MTC . Youth Solutions and

  . Links to Learning - Wollondilly Community Links.


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[澳大利亚留学:Picton High School介绍] 文章生成时间为:2012-08-20 23:43:50
PictonHighSchool(Picton High School)
  • 院校名称:PictonHighSchool
  • 学校类型:公立中学
  • 建校时间:0年
  • 学生人数:0人
  • 院校地址:480 Argyle St,Picton 2571
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/au/picton-hs/
  • Picton High School was established in 1958 as a co-educational comprehensive school and services a semi-rural growing community. The school has strong links w...…[详细介绍]

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