Our aim at St Thomas More is to provide an excellent all-round education for every student. Our College opened in 1974 and from inception developed a strong commitment to the pastoral care of students. At the core of all that we do is our mission to provide a holistic education to all students. This mission, inspired by Jesus, is to seek, grow and serve by fostering in all students:
A commitment to our Christian faith
A commitment to learning
A sense of community
The College has just over 570 students and this allows staff to build meaningful and supportive relationships with students. Founded on enduring Catholic Values, the College has an excellent Pastoral Care Program, based on our belief in the dignity of the individual. We offer a complete curriculum to meet the needs of all learners with both vocational and academic pathways in the Senior School. Additionally, the College offers a wide range of co- curricular offerings in sport and the performing arts.
St Thomas More College provides many opportunities for students to grow in a supportive and caring environment. If you are interested in enrolling your son or daughter at St Thomas More College please contact our Enrolment Secretary, Mrs Davies for further information. We have Visitors' Days each term where it is possible during a 90 minute visit to gather more information and view our first class facilities.
The College has adopted as its crest an adaptation of Thomas More's personal crest awarded to him as Lord Chancellor of England under Henry VIII. Whilst some of the imagery may seem a bit obscure and out-dated in contemporary times, the symbolism of More's crest is just as relevant to this College as it was to our patron saint over 400 years ago.
The cross, which runs through the centre of the crest, is said to be the most honourable charge to be found in heraldry, and its bearing is the express badge of the Christian.
The unicorn is one of the most fabulous beasts of mythology. It is much used in heraldry, and signifies extreme courage.
The rooster is traditionally seen as a bird of great courage - always prepared for battle, and frequently fighting "to the death". Being the herald of dawn, it is often used as an emblem of watchfulness, and may be used in armory to signify a person of notable achievement in the parliamentary senate.
The small chevrons (or chevronels) which run through each of the quarters, were military stripes of merit.
The roundles (the three disks on two of the chevronels) when white, as in this case, are called plates, and denote generosity.
Therefore, the crest of Sir Thomas More adopted by the college, signifies courage, honour, generosity and achievement all supported by the cross of Christ. It is indeed a fitting symbol for this College, and a statement of that to which we should all aspire.
Our vision is...
the formation of sacramental people in a Catholic school
Our mission, inspired by Jesus, is...
to seek, grow and serve
developing faith so that we might better enter into the goodness of creation and the mysteries of life, death and resurrection;
actively learning through high quality educational experiences;
participating in community as members of the College family and as citizens of Queensland, Australia and the world.
This is reflected in our motto...
[$pagetag]God's Servant First
which reminds all that every thought, word and deed should be informed by compassion and kindness, justice and peace, and love of God and one another.
Learning and teaching at St Thomas More College will reflect the College’s vision and mission statement. This means the curriculum will cater for all students by providing a range of pathways designed to meet individual needs. The College offers a complete curriculum that responds to the demands of contemporary learners, community and social pressures, and the changing and challenging educational landscape in Queensland and Australia.
The curriculum structure at St Thomas More College has been developed to suit the particular needs of both the junior (Years 8-9, Year 7-9 from 2015) and senior students (Years 10-12). The junior curriculum will offer students the possibilities of studying core and elective subjects as well as providing the opportunity for both academic extension and foundation courses. The College is currently (in 2012) implementing Phase One Australian Curriculum in Math, Science, English and History.
Years 8-9
Students in Years 8 to 9 study a mix of mandatory and elective subjects. The mandatory subjects are:
Religious Education,
History and Geography, and
Physical Education.
Students choose from a range of semester-long elective subjects based on their areas of interest and in preparation for future studies.
Although there are no prerequisites for senior studies there is an assumed understanding of core knowledge and skills. Choices and results in the junior school are a clear indicator of where the students will be successful in senior studies. This highlights the importance of ensuring that students get a good experience in Year 8 and pursue some more focussed studies through to Year 10.
While it is necessary to have a general framework for curriculum in place, it is also essential to respond to the contextual needs of students. The decision has been made to allocate Year 8 and 9 students to specific groups for their mandatory subjects. Six subject groupings will exist across the year level for these mandatory subjects – one Foundation class, four Core classes and one Academic Extension class.
These classes will study the same units of work and will access the same assessment. Students will be compared to the rest of the cohort for that year level. The Core classes will access and complete the body of work prescribed for that unit.
The Academic Extension class will access and complete the body of work prescribed for that unit and will also complete extension activities that focus on extending and refining skills and knowledge. Students in the Academic Extension class will be expected to complete assigned assessment tasks at a sophisticated level.
For students in the Foundation class, the unit will be “pared down”, concentrating, in particular, on those areas leading directly to assessment tasks. The Foundation class will focus on developing skills and knowledge and refining literacy and numeracy skills within the context of the particular unit. Class and assessment work will be heavily scaffolded. Adjustments will be made to allow students respond to assessment tasks in a way that will demonstrate their individual knowledge and skills.
Years 10-12
While the Year 10 Curriculum is drawn from the Australian Curriculum the subjects are organised in order to prepare students for the Senior Phase of Learning.
Developing a learning pathway to suit the needs and the ability of each individual is continued in the senior school at St Thomas More College. The College has dual pathways offering an academic or vocational pathway, with both offering the opportunity to qualify for a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
Students planning to undertake tertiary study are able to plan a course of between five and seven Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Authority subjects from those offered at the College. Students must meet all requirements as outlined by the QSA to be eligible to receive an OP score, used to determine entry into some Queensland tertiary institutions, or to be eligible for a range of other tertiary studies options.
Students who want a vocational focus in senior will find a well-structured vocational pathway at St Thomas More College. We offer a range of accredited certificate courses that are delivered at the College or in conjunction with local TAFE Colleges. Students who choose to undertake traineeships or apprenticeships within their studies may apply to have a reduced workload to incorporate work-related training as part of their course.