澳大利亚留学:Strathfield Girls High School介绍

  St Johns Park High Schoolhttp://www.liuxue360.com/au/stjohnspk-hs/)is a large (approx 1200 students) comprehensive school serving a multicultural community. The school prides itself on a well-disciplined student body supported by an extensive student welfare network. The school places a strong emphasis on the wearing of school uniform and implements progressive anti harassment and anti bullying programs. The school caters for the learning needs of a diverse range of students through a very innovative gifted and talented program and a learning support team. A large senior school student body ensures a broad senior curriculum that provides a complete range of general, advanced and extension courses. Transition to work is well supported by a large range of vocational education courses in most industry frameworks. Creative and performing arts experiences are extensive.

  English as a Second Language Programs

  The school has 2 ESL teachers who along with Support Teachers Learning Assistance, form the Enrichment Team. They are very caring and provide outstanding support for students with language needs.

  Languages Taught

  Chinese, Italian and Vietnamese

  Special Programs

  School is served by a very professional and committed teaching staff with a mix of experience and youth.

  Whole school literacy and numeracy programs

  Linkages – middle school programs linking primary and early high school years

  Gifted and talented program – a very successful and innovative program catering for the gifted and talented students from Years 7 – 10

  Inter school Debating Years 7 – 12

  Outstanding success in statewide competitions – English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Geography

  Choir and band groups

  Dance ensembles

  Extension classes (HSC) in English, Mathematics and History

  Comprehensive sports program – swimming, cross country and athletics

  Peer Reading Program during roll call

  Student Representative Council

  Student Support Services and Programs

  Student Welfare is a high priority and is managed by an extensive network of care consisting of;

  Full time school counselling service

  Head Teacher Welfare

  Two student advisors for each student Year group

  Learning Support Team

  Anti harassment and anti bullying programs

  Careers Advisor

  Transition Advisor- School to Work

  Teacher/ student Mentoring Program

  Peer Mediation

  Special Facilities

  Modern well maintained buildings and well groomed gardens and grounds.

  Air conditioned computer laboratories

  Air conditioned demountable classrooms

  Multi Purpose Centre and extensive playing fields

  Well stocked Library with an after school homework centre

  School canteen offering a variety of healthy food options

  Functioning agricultural farm

  Modern, air conditioned commercial kitchen (Category A)

  22 seat school bus

  Features of Local Area

  The school is in the Fairfield local government area, which is richly multicultural in its population mix. The area is well served by public bus transport to and from major transport interchanges of Liverpool, Cabramatta, Fairfield and Parramatta. These centres have some of the largest shopping complexes in the southern hemisphere. There is a medium size shopping centre 100 metres from the school.


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[澳大利亚留学:Strathfield Girls High School介绍] 文章生成时间为:2012-08-29 03:47:32
StrathfieldGirlsHighSchool(Strathfield Girls High School)

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