澳大利亚Burpengary Meadows State School

  Burpengary Meadows State School opened in 2007. 2011 is our fifth year of operation and having established a positive futures focused school culture based on RESPECT and trust, all students develop a strong BELIEF in themselves as responsible thinkers in a positive future. They work cooperatively with all adults in our school community and STRIVE to reach their potential. High expectations of student behaviour and application to curriculum ensure that our students are developing habits and customs to further enhance opportunities for them to achieve. Current enrolments are approximately 530.

  Our vision is to establish and maintain a community of life-long learners, who positively connect with and contribute to society. Our school community is dedicated to providing a safe, supportive, futures-oriented environment which focuses on intellectual quality, maximising learning outcomes and opportunities for all stakeholders.

  Our distinctive curriculum offerings are committed to student outcomes in literacy and numeracy and include targeted Early Phase and Middle Phase Reading Programs; extensive technology and virtual online learning; 'Sounds to Letters' phonemic program; a whole-school Perceptual Motor Program; safe and supportive behaviour processes; environmental education; instrumental music; Primary Connections Science and Developmental Sport (Inter- and Intra-School Sport), each based on a cooperative, investigative and experiential learning philosophy.

  Our calm, supportive behaviour strategies and ethos (Respect, Believe, Strive) underpin all activity and create an ideal school environment which in turn affords all students ample opportunity to access the learning opportunities they need to progress towards their goals and the fulfilment of our school community developed vision. Our whole school community (staff, families and general) maintain a high focus on the children and their futures. The activities undertaken throughout the year - in and out of classrooms - are saturated by not only love and support for the children in our school community, but a preparedness to do what it takes to ensure their access to safe, quality, inclusive and holistic learning and a clear pathway to active citizenship and a great, positive future.

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[澳大利亚Burpengary Meadows State School] 文章生成时间为:2016-03-01 23:02:12
BurpengaryMeadowsStateSchool(Burpengary Meadows State School)

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